Wednesday 14 March 2018


INTRODUCTION: Okra as seen in this picture is a green, finger shaped seasonal vegetable rich in vitamins, minerals, antioxidants and fiber. Okra refers to the edible seedpods of the plant, it is basically known as food for the health conscious. It is also called LADIES FINGER in England or GUMBO in the US. Scientifically it is called ALBELMOSCHUS ESCULENTUS, or HIBISCUS ESCULENTUS.  It is said to belong to the same plant family as hibiscus and cotton. It is native to Southern United States, parts of Africa, the Middle East, the Caribbean and South America. Practically all parts of the okra plant is important and healthy,  ranging from the fresh leaves, buds,  flowers,  pods,  stems and seeds. It is used in soups, sauces and stews.  It could be ingested in any form as okra water, or grated and made into soup, as depicted in the picture below, to be licked
grated okra

Prepared okra soup

Or to be eaten with garri or any swallow of choice as depicted in the picture below:

Okra soup with garri swallow 

 It has been known to help in managing blood sugar in cases of type1, type 2 and gestational diabetes.


---Potassium, Protein, carbohydrate,  Fat
---Vitamin C , K,  E, A B6, Folate or Follic acid
---Calcium, Sodium,  phosphorus,  Copper, Zinc
---Magnesium,  Iron, Thiamine Lectin etc.


(1) ANTI-CANCER: Okra belongs to  the class of green colored vegetables.  Generally green colored fruits and vegetables contain a range of phytochemicals including carotenoids, INDOLES and SAPONINS. Research has it that this antioxidants has anticancer properties. INDOLES helps in preventing cancer, and SAPONINS helps to reduce cholesterol levels. Okra is also rich in LECTIN - Lectin is found in other foods  such as  beans,  peanuts and grains. It is a type of protein.  Studies has it that LECTIN in okra was used to treat human breast cancer cells.  The study showed that the cancer cell growth was inhibited by a significant 63%.  Research also has it that okra is rich in OLIGOMERIC CATECHINS and FLAVONOIDS DERIVATIVES, these are linked to lower the risk of cancer.

(2) IMPROVES VISION: Okra is rich in vitamin A, which means it is rich in antioxidants contents such as Beta-carotene, xanthein and LUTEIN.  These antioxidants are powerful compounds that destroy and neutralize free radicals,  which are dangerous byproducts of cellular metabolism. Okra rich meal helps in preventing eye diseases and early signs of macula degeneration.

(3) RICH IN FOLATE: Okra is rich in folate; people who do not eat enough folate are prone to higher risk of breast cancer, cervical, pancreatic, lung and other cancers. Studies has it that,  folate may have  preventive effects against breast cancer risks; although this is still being studied,  but one thing is for sure, green vegetables are good and have anti-cancer, anti inflammatory and antioxidative properties.

(4) HEART FRIENDLY: Okra is rich in fiber; high  fiber fruits and vegetables are heart friendly because they can reduce harmful cholesterol levels in blood. It lowers the risk of heart disease, stroke, obesity and diabetes. High fiber foods also reduces heart disease in people who already have it

(5) REDUCED RISK OF OSTEOPOROSIS: Okra is rich in vitamin K, and vitamin K rich foods are good for the bones. Vitamin K helps the bones absorb calcium. Research has it that people who eat enough vitamin K rich foods are more likely to have strong bones and less bone fractures.

(6) FACILITATES DIGESTION AND PREVENTS CONSTIPATION : Just as stated before, fiber rich fruits and vegetables help prevent constipation and maintains a healthy digestive system, hence okra is rich in fiber and constitutes the aforementioned benefits. Research has it that the more fiber a person takes or eats, the less chances of developing colorectal cancer. Also of note is the fact that fiber rich foods helps reduce appetite and contribute to weight loss.

(7) RICH IN QUERCETIN DERIVATIVES: The seeds and the pods of okra are rich in PHENOLIC COMPOUNDS, these are said to have antioxidant, antimicrobial and anti-inflammatory properties. It is also said to help  in delaying FATIGUE.  This phenolic compounds are basically antioxidants and flavonoids that also promote GLYCOGEN storage in the liver. GLYCOGEN is a body fuel reserver and more of it means less tiredness or less fatigue

(8) COULD HELP TREAT DIABETES: High fiber rich foods are important dietary treatment options for diabetics. Studies has it that increased dietary fiber intake has been shown to promote better glycemic control and improve insulin sensitivity.  The antioxidant in the seed of okra is said to have anti-stress effect in the blood stream of mice; and studies have shown that managing stress levels is an important part of managing diabetes. This practically means that long term high stress levels can cause blood sugar levels to spike; hence incorporating okra in the meal of a diabetic can go a long way to help manage the case.

(9) MAY HELP LOWER CHOLESTEROL LEVELS: As you know, okra is rich in fiber and high fiber foods has been found to help reduce cholesterol levels. Okra, as a green vegetables is rich in SAPONINS, this has been found to help in lowering cholesterol levels and reduced risk of heart disease.

(10) RICH IN MAGNESIUM: Okra is rich in magnesium. This helps in the prevention of muscle cramps and asthma.

(11) ENHANCES MALE FERTILITY : Okra is rich in  ZINC, zinc is a mineral found in okra that is beneficial to SPERM and SEMEN production. This practically means that zinc is helpful in boosting and maintaining male fertility, therefore should be incorporated in the daily meal of the male specie.

(12) SKIN CARE: Okra is rich in antioxidant vitamin A, this vitamin A helps protect the skin by promoting quicker healing and reducing the appearance of scars and acne and eliminating wrinkles; basically because of the action of the antioxidant in the neutralization of free radicals which may have damaged those skin cells.


(13) TABLET BINDER AND SUSPENDING AGENT IN MEDICINE: According to various researches, the vicious extracts of okra has been used in pharmacy as Tablet Binders and Suspending Agents in medicine. There has been other uses too, while research is still ongoing.

(14) AS OKRA WATER : Studies has it that drinking okra water may help lessen the risk of diabetes symthoms. This could be achieved by

(a) Soaking the okra pods in water overnight or
(b) Cutting it up and soaking it.

(15) OKRA POWDER: The okra pod could be dried and ground into powder and used in soups and stews.

(16) SOURCE OF PROTEIN: The okra seed has been used as a source of oil and protein according to some studies.

(17) OKRA LEAVES: The okra leaves has been known to help reduce disease causing inflammation

In all,  okra is rich in almost all the B vitamins, minerals and antioxidants. The antioxidants in okra has anti cancer, anti-inflammatory and antimicrobial properties which are eye friendly, heart friendly,  and skin friendly. It is rich in soluble fiber, therefore good for diebatics and prevents constipation and also the possible development of colerectal  cancer.  The Zinc content of okra makes it a great source for fertility treatment for men with regards to sperm and semen production. Try incorporating okra in your daily vegetable meal for a more satisfying healthy eating and a glowing lifestyle.

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