Sunday 10 September 2017


INTRODUCTION: Black or unripe plantain is loaded with abundant essential minerals and vitamins, such as dietary fiber, iron potassium,  vitamin B-complex,  magnesium,  manganese,  copper,  niacin, riboflavin and thiamine (Adekunle It is more healthy to engage in meals rich in unripe plantain than that of ripe. A meal of unripe plantain with local spices like cloves,  onions,  garlic and ginger could be the answer to erectile dysfunction,  low sperm count, ulcer,  kidney problems. Diabetes and high blood pressure. (


(1) HEART HEALTH: Unripe plantain contains some amount of serotonin(a compound present in blood platelets and serum, which constricts the blood vessels etc),  this helps to dilate the arteries, improves blood flow and reduces homocysteine(a condition that causes coronary artery disease and stroke). Ordinarily,  (homocysteine- basically means a common amino acid in the blood, and  it's gotten through the consumption of red meat). High levels of it is linked to early development of heart disease. It is basically associated with lower levels of vitamins B6, B12 and folate. Hence the vitamin B6 content of unripe plantain helps to alleviate this.

(2) RICH IN POTASSIUM: Unripe plantain is  rich in potassium. It's richness in potassium makes it heart friendly by preventing heart attacks and hypertension through the control of heart rate and blood pressure in the body. This means that meals rich in unripe plantain, can help prevent ailments like angina(chest pain, which is an early sign of a heart disease) and most importantly helps to alleviate the scourge of modern man atherosclerosis (a disease in which plaques build up inside your arteries). Plaque on the other hand are fat, cholesterol,  calcium and other substances found in the blood. So atherosclerosis is the hardening and narrowing of the arteries, slowly and silently blocking the arteries and putting blood flow at risk.

(3) RICH IN FIBER: The fiber content of unripe  plantain is helpful for reducing cholesterol level which reduces the risk of developing any heart disease.

(4) HELPS  TREATS ANEMIA AND NEURITIS: The presence of vitamin B6(which is scientifically called pyridoxine)  in unripe plantain,  can help cure neuritis (inflammation of the nerve). It equally takes care of anemia( a situation where someone is having low red blood cells in the blood,  which causes weakness).

(5) FACILITATES WEIGHT LOSS: It is relatively low in carbohydrates,  rich in fiber and essential vitamins and minerals. According to Hannah Chinansa, ( plantain has about 80% of resistant starch,  which is very useful for weight loss. It must be noted that unripe plantain When eaten with lots of vegetable soup, makes a healthy meal because the high fiber content helps the digestive system, hence reduces or prevents constipation.

(6) HELPS IMPROVE VISION: Unripe plantain is rich in vitamin A,  B6 and vitamin C, this vitamins play a great role in improving vision, hence the fear of cataract or glaucoma is reduced.

(7) IT BOOSTS SEXUAL PERFORMANCE: A diet of unripe plantain, helps to boosts sexual performance in men,  through an increased libido. It also improves male fertility, thicker sperm and volume.

(8) GOOD FOR DIABETICS : Unripe plantain is very low in sugar unlike the ripe ones,  therefore it is good for diabetics.  It could be boiled and pounded into a pudding swallow and eaten with vegetable soup, hence makes  a healthy meal for diabetics.

(9) BUILDS STRONG BONE, MUSCLES AND PREVENTS ULCER: Unripe plantain is a great bone builder, muscles, teeth, etc.  This is because it is rich in calcium; so meals rich in unripe plantain can help prevent bone diseases, Such as osteoporosis (which is the weakening of the bone). Unripe plantain rich foods also prevents ulcer

(10) RICH IN OMEGA 3: The fatty acid content of unripe plantain in other words called omega 3 is good for a healthy living in general, this is based on the fact that omega 3 fatty acid very is easy to digest.

Having said that, below is a list of things you may not have known about unripe plantain :

(1) GOOD FOR SKIN CARE: The vitamin E,  vitamin A, and vitamin C content in unripe plantain is good for a better skin complexion and a glowing skin.

(2) FACIAL MASK : A mashed soft unripe plantain, mixed with honey can be used as a face mask to remove blemishes and sunburn for a glowing skin.

(3) RELAXES THE NERVES AND CURES INSOMNIA: A meal of unripe plantain relaxes the nerves and cures insomnia; especially when taken with pap (locally called akamu in igbo) and (ogi) in Yoruba. This I think, it's mainly because of the vitamin B6 content of unripe plantain. This has been tested and proven with someone who had been suffering from insomnia.


(a) PORRIDGE UNRIPE PLANTAIN: Cooking unripe plantain with ginger,  garlic, scent leaf and either smoked fish or dry fish will give you a yummy healthy dish,  because all the ingredients used are packed with vitamins and minerals as well as antioxidants.

(b) UNRIPE PLANTAIN PUDDING SWALLOW: This has various methods of doing it.  The most common is the boiling of the plantain and pounding it in a mortar till u get a homogeneous pudding swallow. This you can eat with any soup of your choice.

(c)  BLENDED UNRIPE PLANTAIN PUDDING SWALLOW: I recently discovered that you can make plantain pudding swallow,  by blending it with the back and making it the way semovita or wheat is made in other to get a highly rich healthy swallow, exceptionally great for weight loss.
NOTE: You can equally decide to peel out the back before blending, it all adds up to the same thing. Below is a video clip of how the plantain pudding swallow can be done.

(d) PLANTAIN FLOUR: This could be gotten by peeling, slicing and drying up of the plantain fruit. When this has been properly dried,  blend into a smooth powdery form. Store in a cool dry place, then use as at when needed.

In all unripe plantain meals are heart friendly because of the numerous benefits already explained. The various vitamins and mineral contents,  makes it a number one meal for healthy living because it acts as a check and balance for most ailment, ranging from diabetes,  hypertension to Cardio vascular diseases, which could be in the form of atherosclerosis, homocysteine and also neuritis or osteoporosis etc.

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